Research Affiliate Faculty
Ellen Harpel, Founder and CEO, Smart Incentives; President, Business Development Advisors
Robbin Warner, Postcards4VA, Co-Founder; Women’s Summit, Event Director
Women, Power, and Rape Culture: The Politics and Policy of Underrepresentation, Bonnie Stabile and Aubrey Leigh Grant. Praeger, 2022.
Book Chapters
“Rage and Women’s Representation” Bonnie Stabile. Chapter in American Fury: Collective Action and the Politics of Moral Outrage, Myra Medible, Editor, in progress. 2023.
“Ethical Issues in Regulating Reproductive Technologies” Bonnie Stabile. Chapter in Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance, Ali Farazmand, Editor, Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-20927-2. 2018.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
“Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Management and First Response: Accounting for Race and Gender in Codes of Ethics in the United States.” Bonnie Stabile, Katherine Simon, Tonya E. Thornton and Aubrey Grant. Public Integrity. Published online January 28, 2021.
“Take Back the Tweet: Exploring the Effectiveness of Social Media Use by Anti-Gender Based Violence Organizations.” Bonnie Stabile, Aubrey Grant, Hemant Purohit, and Sai Sharan Bonala. Volume 4 Issue. Sexuality, Gender and Policy. May 1, 2021.
“Social Media Campaigns Addressing Gender-based Violence: Policy Entrepreneurship and Advocacy Networks.” Bonnie Stabile, Hemant Purohit, Angela Hattery. Volume 3 Issue 2. Sexuality, Gender and Policy. November 2020.
“The Disappearing Accused: Rhetoric, Narrative, and Campus Sexual Assault.” Lourdes Fernandez, Heidi Lawrence, and Bonnie Stabile. pp. 230-245. Rhetoric Review. Volume39,Issue 2. 2020. Available at
“She Lied”: Social Construction, Rape Myth Prevalence in Social Media, and Sexual Assault Policy.” Bonnie Stabile, Aubrey Grant, Hemant Purohit and Mohammad Rama. Sexuality, Gender & Policy, December 21, 2019.
“Sex, Lies and Stereotypes: Gendered Implications of Fake News for Women in Politics.” Bonnie Stabile, Aubrey Grant, Hemant Purohit and Kelsey Harris. 2019. Public Integrity,
“Concentrating on Gender in MPA Programs: Implications for Earnings and Equity.” Bonnie Stabile, Aubrey Grant and Shene Salih. Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE) published online January 24, 2019.
“Communicating Campus Sexual Assault: A Mixed Methods Rhetorical Analysis.” Heidi Lawrence, Lourdes Fernandez, Rachel Lussos, Bonnie Stabile and Melissa Broeckelman-Post. Technical Communications Quarterly published online May 21, 2019. DOI: 10.1080/10572252.2019.1621386
“Mothers‘ Beliefs about Indigenous and Traditional Food Affordability, Availability and Taste are Significant Predictors of Indigenous and Traditional Food Consumption among Mothers and Young Children in Rural Kenya.” Constance Gewa, Obando Angano, Maction Komwa, Bonnie Stabile, Phil Thomas. Public Health Nutrition. First View August 27, 2019. DOI:
“Distributional Semantics Approach to Detect Intent in Twitter Conversations on Sexual Assaults*.” Rahul Pandey, Hemant Purohit, Bonnie Stabile, and Aubrey Grant. Conference Proceedings; IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI), Santiago, Chile, pp. 270-277. doi: 10.1109/WI.2018.00-80 (*received Best Paper Award). 2018.
“Gender and the Role of Directors of Public Administration & Policy Programs.” Bonnie Stabile, Jessica Terman and Catherine Kuerbitz. Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE). Summer, Volume 23, Issue 3. 2017.
“On the Dynamics of Local to Global Campaigns for Gender Based Violence.” Prakruthi Karuna, Hemant Purohit, Bonnie Stabile, Angela Hattery, Proceedings of International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation. 2016. arXiv:1608.01648.
“Reproductive Policy and the Social Construction of Motherhood.” Bonnie Stabile. Politics and the Life Sciences. Volume 35, Number 2. 2016, pp. 18 – 29.
“The Ethics of Regulating Reproductive Technologies: Women as Child Bearers, Rights Bearers and Objects of Paternalism.” Bonnie Stabile. Public Integrity, October-November. 2015.
“State Infertility Insurance Law Indicators” Bonnie Stabile. World Medical & Health Policy, Volume 2, Number 3, Article 2. 2010. Available at
Select Editorials
“Women‘s Health in Global Perspective Virtual Issue Editors’ Introduction,” Bonnie Stabile and Aubrey Grant, World Medical & Health Policy, July 2018
“Social Determinants of Health Virtual Issue Editors’ Introduction,” Bonnie Stabile and Arnauld Nicogossian, World Medical & Health Policy, July 2018
“The Year of the Woman and Beyond,” Bonnie Stabile and Arnauld Nicogossian, World Medical & Health Policy, Volume 8, Issue 4 November 2016
“Amplifying Women’s Congressional Power.” Ms. Magazine. June 9, 2023.
“‘Half of Men’: The Legacy of Iran’s Gender Apartheid.” Ms. Magazine. March 14, 2023.
“U.S. Rape Culture Is Sidelining and Silencing Future Female Leaders.” Ms. Magazine. February 22, 2023.
“Half a Century of Data on American Women and Politics.” Ms. Magazine. July 18, 2022.
“Misogyny’s Gatekeeping Role in the Supreme Court Nomination Hearings.” Ms. Magazine. March 29, 2022.
“Rape Rhetoric and Russia’s War on Ukraine.” Ms. Magazine. March 1, 2022.
“Kavanaugh Confirmation Signals Scary Time for Reporting Sexual Assault.” The Hill. October 9, 2018:
“From Rape ‘Myths’ to Roy Moore: We Can’t Continue to Blame Victims.” Bonnie Stabile and Aubrey Grant. The Hill. November 21, 2017: